Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Some good news

Good news for sellers: Yes, homes are selling. In fact, more homes sold in the first quarter of this year than in Q1 last year (37 vs. 34). As of April 7, there were 13.8% more homes pending (under contract) than on that date last year (33 vs. 29). Pending condominium sales are up substantially: there was only one pending at the beginning of the year vs. ten condos in contract now.

Good news for buyers: House prices are low. On Bainbridge, the median home price has dropped 17.2% since March 31 of last year (see chart below). Condominium prices have not statistically dropped, but with only five condo sales on the books so far in 2009, not enough have sold to make a valid statistical model. The same is true with land, of which there have only been three sales this year with one pending at the time of this writing.

Good news for borrowers: Loans are available, and rates are great! If you have 20% to put down with good credit, loans for less than $417,000 are readily available at rates ranging from 4.75% to 5.4%. Jumbo loans (packaged for $417K to $700K, and from $700K to $1.5M) are also available at rates as low as the high 5s and low 6s; with down payment requirements ranging from 20% to 35%. Interest rates for jumbo loans will likely decrease over the next few months.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Consumer Buying Power vs. Confidence

There is a recent consumer report by Nielson Online that produced some unexpected insights on consumer buying power resulting from the economic downturn.
As expected, consumer confidence is way down. The unanticipated consequence of this economy is that some of us actually have increased purchasing power. The increase in purchasing power is due to a dip in gas and energy prices, tax rebates and historically low financing rates for those refinancing or purchasing within the conforming loan limits.
The report provides some hidden good news about our economy. You can read it for yourself; copy and paste the following into your web browser.

Bank Woes
If you perused the Business Section of the Sunday Times this weekend you found a wealth (no pun intended) of information about our local banks, and local banks under stress. The article is interesting and informative. It explains the criteria for determining a troubled bank and identifies local banks under stress. Perhaps not a 'feel good' read, but useful and practical information. To read the entire article, copy and paste the following into your browser.